what i believe

some of you have had the opportunity to speak with me about my recent decision to follow what i've known for sometime that i truly believed. for those of you who i've not discussed this with i'm going to try to sum it up briefly - - if you have further questions or want to discuss any part of this with me i'm open to your queries.

firstly, having been raised in a household where the bible was studied and taught (this was not something new that i've just recently stumbled upon) most of my last twenty two years were spent in selfish self exploration, not really interested in pursuing a relationship with a creator or a savior. i'd chosen to ignore all that i'd learned - facing it would only result in my feeling guilt, something i didn't want to have to deal with, yet in subtle ways i always did.

then in 2006, as most of you know, began with the death of my father. i suddenly began to reflect on my own life and what i've done through out these 40 years. in comparison to many, i've had it relatively easy: born in the us, middle class family, divorced parents, but mom remarried, to a man who loves and adores her. aside from a learning disability and some hair-loss my life has been pretty much a skate. i had free reign to do all that i've wanted to do, i have enjoyed my life and with a few exceptions, i lived without regrets or adverse consequences.

there was no major breakdown -- i simply came to a point in my life where i reflected on what i'd been doing: there was a sense of dissatisfaction with the advancement of my career, i recalled the subversive attitudes of many people in the industry toward the believes of people i respect and love. i could let anger and hatred well up in me (just try driving in la). i came to the point where i had to stop thinking of salvation as something that i would make the grasp for in my dying breath, and actually step forward and confess Jesus as my Savior.

some of you have expressed such a distain for anyone who has a sensitivity to the teachings of Christ that i've kept that part of my life from you. my big issue was that i never wanted to be that hypocritical christian, that person calling himself a christian who really isn't. he does so much damage when others look at what he claims to believe, compared to how he lives his life. the fact is we are all human and bound to make mistakes. i, myself, have to get over the idea that christians have to be perfect. i stumble with this more than anything. i continually battle with weaknesses, i know i can't overcome them alone.

~~ the bible teaches & i believe - - there is a God: the creator, the God of abraham, issac and jacob, and that due to the fall of man (our sins), we are separated from him, He loves us and longs for our communion with him - and many of us unwittingly long for a relationship with him. (you can hear that longing, be it misplaced, in musical lyrics and poetry) just as we long for relationships with loved ones, friends and family, but our sins keep us from his presence.

~~ the bible teaches & i know that God: being the all powerful and knowing Creator, was able to fertilize the egg of a virgin, giving us the gift of his son the messiah, Jesus Christ, God in human form.

~~ i know that Jesus face the same temptations as you and me and lived a blameless (sinless) life and He is the only human not to have violated the 10 commandments i believe that God allowed the jews to be blinded in recognizing Christ who fulfilled all the old testament prophecies concerning his first visit to earth, thereby allowing those not of jewish heritage to have an opportunity for salvation. through his death on the cross and resurrection three days later.

~~ i believe that Jesus was not a prophet, but that He is the Son of God, sent to earth to take a brutal punishment that should have been mine. He suffered a death befitting a criminal while He was innocent . it was love that held Him to that cross, giving us a path back to God.

~~ i know that the bible is the divine word of God, everyday i read it, there is something directly pertinent to my life. i've earnestly sought evidence to support biblical accounts and am amazed at the support that can be found to confirm much of what is written in this book. i'm no authority on the book but again the more i delve into it the more i learn about myself and the more confidence i have that it is divinely inspired.

~~ i know that Christ will return to earth to rule, but before he does there will be much more pain and suffering than we have ever known. enoch was caught up by God thus spared the horror of the flood i believe the true believers shall also be caught up and avoid the great trials that will proceed Christ's reign from jerusalem on the throne of david.

~~ be not deceived: heaven and hell are real places, and one day we will all face judgement. we will all be judged by God's law (the ten commandments) . were i to stand alone on judgment day i would be found guilty and suffer the punishment that bares. but i won't stand alone because i've earnestly repented of my sinful thoughts and deeds and accepted Jesus Christ's (the Son of God) sacrifice, for all who receive it, to be cleansed of all that God abhors and to be able to be in HIs presence and find favor with God.


Tom & Terry said...

Peter, in this day and time taking a stand for Jesus is not the "in" thing to do, but it is the right thing to do.
We stand with you and applaud you.
Add another jewel to your crown!
Tom & Terry

Kim said...

Hi Peter,
You've been on my mind lately, and when I got on your blog I saw this link. I'm so glad you've found your way and that you know: Christians don't have to be perfect, they just have to try. You're a wonderful person. I hope your travels are going well!

Jim said...


Mari, Cedar and I are all thinking of you. We sincerely wish you the best in this exciting and enlightening journey. Life is so much more than a series of 24 hour segments -- it's a long and wonderful journey. Congratulations for having the courage to truly search for your own inner happiness. We all should be so courageous.